Friday, 28 November 2014



For costume, my model will be wearing a long light blue top with white high knee socks, I will be aiming to use this outfit for my front cover as it adheres with my light blue, black and white colour scheme, making the front cover look attractive.
The next outfit my model will wear is a pink and black crop top, with wet look leggings, a semi transparent black cardigan and white socks with a ‘weed’ symbol imprinted on it. I have chosen these colours for this outfit as my colour scheme for my double page spread is pink black and white, also crop tops and weed images relate to my theme of R and B as this fashion style is frequently shown in the media.
The final outfit will be a black shiny jacket, a white crop top and blue jeans for my quote page, having a more minimal effect as they are platonic colours.
A black fur coat will also be used on top of these outfits to create a daring and edgy effect, suiting my music genre.

The make up I have chosen to use is a minimal face with red/pink lipstick, so to make my feature artist look relaxed but edgy at the same time, she will have wavy hair and hoop earrings to relate to the R and B genre as this style is similarly shown through the likes of Rihanna and Tinashe. I did not want my model to wear too much make up as this may adhere more to a pop genre where it appears vibrant and in your face.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Masthead Designs

These are the designs that I have come up with for my masthead, this has helped me to compare what would look the best on my front cover and come to a fnal decision.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Audience Profile

key statistics:
16-20 year olds
60% women 40% men
psychographic group: aspirers and explorers

Natasha is a 17 girl and attends sixth form, she has a part time job on the weekends and believes that music is a large part of who she is, as well as fashion which she loves. She attends concerts and gigs regularly of  her favourite RnB artists, she also has an interest in soul and indie music. Natasha loves to keep up to date with celebrities by following them on social media in terms of their lifestyle and upcoming work.

Tom is 19 and attends university, he does not have a job although thoroughly enjoys night life and the music scene, him and his friends show great interest in the latest rnb music. He regularly buys music magazines and reads them on the bus on the way to campus.

Sunday, 9 November 2014



These are the sketches for my front cover, contents page, double page spread and quote page. I will use these when designing these pages on InDesign to guide me to get my overall desired look of my magazine.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Existing Masthead Names

This is my analysis of already existing masthead names, this presentation looks into the reasons as to why magazines select a specific name for the masthead and the thoughts behind the title.


This is the proposal of my RnB music magazine, I will use this proposal all throughout the production of my product as a basis of my magazine that I can keep referring back to as it includes overall aspects of my magazine.

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Existing Magazine Mastheads

This is my analysis of already existing magazine mastheads, completing this task has given me an insight into why and how magazines create their mastheads for effect. Furthermore this will help me when it comes to designing my own masthead as I will know how to make the masthead reflect my music magazines' attributes.

Production Log - Wednesday 5th November

In todays lesson I began to look at existing music magazine mastheads, in order to analyse them.
I chose 'NME', 'Q' and 'Billboard' magazine as I like the look of these mastheads and knew that I would be able to say a lot about them. I began making a powerpoint presentation in order to anaylse them. Analysing existing mastheads would give me a good insight on how I should go about making my own masthead and what things I need to consider for example: font, colour and the meaning behind the logo. In my opinion this is what is needed in order to make a successful masthead as they are a key feature on any magazine to attract customers and cause them to purchase the magazine.